Our marital pleasure depends on our sexual life . A good sex gives us confidence and makes our personal life a pleasurable one. But due to some physical complexities like impotence, our life at times is filled with emotional turmoil. Performance anxiety is a very real issue for most men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence. The fear of not being able to perform adequately, dissatisfaction with penis size, and self-consciousness about body appearance can all lead to the very thing that most men wish to avoid – failure to get an erection.Sadly it seems that for a large number of men, their ability to get an erection and have sex is viewed as a vital part of their masculinity and potency. The lack of it makes their life miserable. So it’s no wonder that the onset of impotence, even when triggered by an underlying physical condition, can produce psychological problems that has immense negative impact on health. Overcoming impotence (ED) often triggers unrealistic expectations about their ability to immediately cure their emotional problems as well as their physical ones. But in reality, every treatment takes its own course of time. To attain maximum benefit, a little amount of tolerance is also desirable. Because of the emotional turmoil associated with ED, it’s common for men to make excuses or avoid sexual situations with their partners in an effort to forget about the condition. These type of actions can make can make a woman feel inadequate within the relationship, often resulting in rejection, loneliness and depression. Some women may fear they are no longer attractive to their partner. This type of behavior can be disastrous for any intimate relationship.But the best part is that erectile dysfunction (ED) is very much treatable. A wide range of ED (Impotence) drugs can treat your sexual ailment and bring romance back into your sexual life. These little pills have revolutionized the treatment of impotence and have had a profound effect on men who have erectile dysfunction.