Certain male sexual problems always remain hidden beneath the carpet. However, the mentality is changing now, and these problems are being discussed openly.
ED or Erectile Dysfunction is a problem that everyone experiences some time or the other in life. It is a time-being issue sometimes, whereas it is a chronic problem in a few cases.
Regardless of its severity or duration, ED is undoubtedly a frustrating and devastating experience.
It brings a turmoil in the sexual as well as interpersonal relations between the partners, and lead to consequences like breaking the relationship.
Though it occurs without any prior indication and goes away without any treatment in most of the cases, it requires diagnosis and treatment in a few.
Sexologists say that if ED is a result of some other problem in the body, then it goes away with the inherent fundamental cause.
Only in the cases where physiological problems are the reason of the Erectile Dysfunction you need to cure the problem precisely.
When data say that almost half of the men experience it sometime in their sexually active life, it means it is quite a prevalent issue.
According to sexologists, there could be physiological and lifestyle issues behind it. Doctors can’t arrive at concrete action plan unless they investigate in detail.
A series of diagnostic tests are conducted for that.
Physiological issues
- Endocrine problems: The system that controls the secretion of hormones in the body is called Endocrine system. The hormones impact metabolism, sexual behavior, and libido. Endocrine problems such that Diabetes can trigger ED because of reduction in the blood flow and drop in the secretion of sexual hormones.
- Neurological problems: Ailments such that Multiple Sclerosis, stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, and Alzheimer’s Disease can trigger Erectile Dysfunction.
- Cardiovascular problems: Any problem that affects the ability of the heart to pump the blood can cause ED as it is directly related to the blood flow.
Lifestyle issues
- Stress: Stress causes various impacts on our body and ED is one of them. When a person is stressed, he can’t concentrate on sex. Thus, full erection can’t be achieved.
- Substance abuse: Excessive consumption of Alcohol or Tobacco causes severe impact on the sexual behavior. Drug abuse is also extremely harmful to the male sexuality.
- Replacement of testosterone: TRT or Testosterone Replacement Therapy correct the issue by aiding the body with the additional levels of hormones. It is quite an effective method.
- Blood vessel surgery: It surgically bypasses the obstructing blood vessels in the penis. It resolves the problem and regains erection.
- Counseling: If the problem is caused due to psychological issues or lifestyle problems, then counseling and therapy can greatly help.
- AUS or Alprostadil Urethral Suppository: It places a small suppository into the penile urethra. Special devices are used for it. Though there could be a few side-effects, the results are awesome.
- Penis Pump: It is a hand-operated or battery-operated device that is placed over the penis. It creates a vacuum and pulls blood in the blood vessels. The erection lasts for the time that is sufficient to make the sexual relations.
Other than these treatment methods, doctors follow lifestyle treatments to treat erectile dysfunction. Exercising, proper sleep and healthy food habits can be helpful in controlling it.
By controlling substance abuse and eating nutritional diet, one can reduce weight which is another common reason behind ED.
Once the inherent cause is identified, the problem can be brought under control.
Keep the misconceptions at bay
Yes, the first step towards combating ED is not to get trapped into the fallacies associated with it. Here are some popular ones.
It comes with aging
Many people feel that it is part of the natural aging process and it happens with everybody. Well, it isn’t true.
As we grow old, we need more stimulation to get aroused. But, sexual dysfunction is not natural. Hence, meet a specialist when you experience it. Don’t accept it as part of life.
It is something risky
Well, it is annoying and makes one uncomfortable; but it is not ‘risky’ for that matter. Once treated properly, you can enjoy healthy and normal sex life again.
Nevertheless, there is a word of caution. ED can be a symptom of some other health hazard. If it remains persistent for a long time, then better get a comprehensive health checkup.
It is a full-stop to your love life
Not at all! It may make you sexually inactive for some time, but that doesn’t stop it. Once you recover, you can indulge into the sexual activities like before. Also, it is not the end of your ‘manhood’.
It can be cured by unconventional therapies
Some people might get benefited by alternative therapies, but it is better seeking help from a qualified doctor.
He will investigate the case and treat it according to the fundamental cause.