As far as men’s sexual health is concerned, we have all heard about problems like premature and delayed ejaculation. However, have you really heard about absent ejaculation? It might as well be a less-discussed male sexual health problem – It’s a reality nonetheless. Today, in the course of the post, we will just be discussing the same.
What is Absent Ejaculation?
As far as men’s sexual health is concerned, we have all heard about probAs its name suggests, absent ejaculation refers to a condition where the male partner fails to ejaculate semen even after indulging in prolonged sexual activities. Absent ejaculation does not affect other aspects of intercourse like erection and orgasm. The man, in these cases, as such fails to ejaculate even after having normal orgasm and erection. Absent ejaculation is often caused by psychogenic reasons.lems like premature and delayed ejaculation. However, have you really heard about absent ejaculation? It might as well be a less-discussed male sexual health problem – It’s a reality nonetheless. Today, in the course of the post, we will just be discussing the same.
What is Retrograde Ejaculation?
Besides absent ejaculation, there is something called retrograde ejaculation as well. Men having retrograde ejaculation experience normal orgasm and erection as well. However, they end up discharging their semen in their bladder. You can resort to ayurvedic treatment to address both the aforementioned conditions (namely Absent Ejaculation and Retrograde Ejaculation).
The Psychological Effect of Absent Ejaculation
Just like Erectile Dysfunction, Absent Ejaculation can actually have detrimental effect on one’s psyche. The inability to ejaculate might as well lead you to believe that your sex life is jeopardized for good. However, do let us tell you that it is not as bad as you think. Absent ejaculation is not something which cannot be treated. Absent ejaculation does not have to hamper your sexual life entirely and eventually be responsible for the unfortunate end of a beautiful relationship that you have with your partner.
Adopting a measured systematic approach towards your battle with absent ejaculation will be a lot of help. Start off by looking for a reputed sexologist in this regard. There are professionals who offer a plethora of treatment procedures to address different sexual problems – all with marked ease:
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Delayed Ejaculation
- Premature Ejaculation
- Venereal Diseases
- Absent Ejaculation
- Thin Penis
- Small Penis (Penis Enlargement Treatment)
- Spermatorrhoea
- Nocturnal Emission
- Libido or Low Sex Desire
- Weakness after Sex
- Male Infertility
- Female Sexual Problems
- Wet Dream
- Incapability of consummating
- Sensitive Glans
Now, it is important to note that not all of them are equally successful at what they do. There are several ayurvedic medicines tailored for absent ejaculation. However, not all the sexologists out there have due knowledge of which medicines work the best and which do not.
Seeking the Services of a Qualified Practitioner
Do remember that “credentials” in this respect don’t only mean degrees. They also imply that the sexologist that you are eventually consulting is driven by a strong urge to explore new horizons associated with his practice. Ayurveda is actually a vast field. It would not really be wrong to claim that a lifetime is not enough to grasp every nuance of this ancient Science.
Somebody who is practicing Ayurveda to address sexual problems should be prudent enough to stay abreast of the new developments in the field. Only depending on his core knowhow will not do. So, make sure you are getting in touch with a professional, who is ready to demonstrate such dynamism.
Absent ejaculation or for that matter, any sexual problem whatsoever, can actually take a toll on your mental health as well. So, the professional is definitely expected to continue offering that much needed emotional support – whenever required—besides, of course, providing stellar physical treatment.
So, it is actually important on your end to ensure that you are not treating absent ejaculation as something invincible. Seek quality ayurvedic cure to do away with it.
Dr Lohit is a well known men’s sexual health specialist in Bangalore. He gives treatment for absent ejaculation, retarded ejaculation, delayed ejaculation and many other sexual problems faced by men.