Q.I have been engaged for a month. My fiancee and I talk to each other over the phone every day. Recently, she told me that she enjoys kissing a boy’s penis. I was shocked to hear this. When I asked if she would kiss mine, she readily agreed. I am confused. Now, I am thinking that she must have done everything before she met me. Is she good for me?
Ans. You are scared and may be suspicious. Most modern girls are quite knowledgeable and freely express their sexual feelings. That does not mean she has had an affair. I suggest you enjoy her talk and frankness. Thank your lucky stars that you will get a wife who’ll keep you sexually happy.
Q.I am a 21-year-old virgin and weigh around 75-80 kilos. Is masturbation compulsory? Will I face a problem when I want to have sex if I don’t masturbate? I experience night fall once a week.
Ans. There is no compulsion to masturbate. Nightfall is a natural process of the body to get rid of old sperms. You can masturbate to do the same. Besides, you’ll face no problem in the future if you do not masturbate
Q.I am 29 years old and got married 22 days ago. I got my periods on the morning after my first night. We have been having sex every night after my periods got over. But for the past four days I have not felt like having sex. Why is it so? We are planning to have a baby. Can I get pregnant in this situation?
Ans. If your husband deposits his semen in the vagina, there is possibility of you getting pregnant. At times the desire to have sex decreases; it’s a sign that your body needs rest. Don’t worry, you’ll get over this feeling soon.
Q.I am a 24-year-old man. I am six feet one inch tall and weigh 63 kg. I masturbate once in every three weeks (I feel that masturbating frequently could make me lose weight). My semen is slightly yellowish. Can you please tell me what the issue is?
Ans. Your body weight will not reduce with masturbation. Any variation in colour or consistency is normal.
Q.If I have safe sex one week before my period, will it affect my regular menstrual cycle? Will my period get postponed?
Ans. The seven days before the period are virtually safe but conception has been known to occur in this phase at times. It should not affect the cycle.
Q.I smoke a lot. When I try to wear a condom or have intercourse, I can’t as the erection is not strong. Please help Dr.Lohit.
Ans. Stop or cut down your smoking habit drastically. If the problem still persists, check with a sexologist to investigate the cause. Are you physically fit and do you exercise daily?
Q.I am a 21-year-old virgin and I want your help. I am very nervous and unhappy because I don’t get an erection when I see a girl, or view erotic scenes. I have been masturbating for a year and would do it even if I didn’t have an erection. Now I don’t get natural erections. I left masturbating three days ago. Will this help?
Ans. I think your penis is reacting very sensibly; it does not want to get erect without a reason, especially since you are watching it so closely. Stop feeling sad and things will be okay. Masturbate only when you are sexually aroused.