Are you addicted to pornography? Similar to many other addictions, porn can disrupt your life and lead to physical, emotional, social problems. Just imagine the time you wasted in that trash! But what is to be done? The good news is – you can triumph over your addiction.
The next question is – how to do it?
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you overcome your porn addiction.
Step 1: Acknowledge the problem. Do you realize that you are addicted? If you answered yes, you are already on the road to recovery. For majority of individuals, it is the most difficult thing to admit. Some think – it’s natural, others think – everyone does it. But what most forget is – it’s addictive nature wrecks havoc on personal and professional life.
Step 2: Understand the cause. Addictions, to whatever it may be, are the manifestation of a much deep-rooted problem. Is a challenging work project the cause of continuous stress? Is a failed relationship the cause of continuous depression? You need to gain an insight into your own self to understand what’s messing up your life!
Step 3: Identify the triggers. Do you feel like watching porn after a tiring day at work? Or, may be a tiff with your girlfriend? Or, perhaps when you are sitting idle at home and feeling bored? Certain circumstances spark off the intention to watch porn. At such times, you become prone to relapse, even if you are going strong with your resolve to stay away.
Step 4: Remove your resources. Scratch and throw away the CDs and DVDs, put the magazines on the paper shredder, and place your computer in a spot frequented by others. It’s easier to stick to your resolution if you find it hard to get your hand on the stuff. But remember, your willpower is what will help you overcome your addiction.
Step 5: Utilize your spare time. Boredom often leads to a little watching, which gradually eats up all your time. Don’t be idle. Why not take up the dance lessons you always wanted but never really got time for? Or perhaps you can invest your time in cooking meals for the family? Participating in team sports can also be a great way to use your leisure.
Step 6: Socialize. Catching up with friends over a coffee, going to the movies with your girlfriend, taking time to visit your elderly grandparents, helping your kids with their science project, there are dozens of ways you can involve with others in a fruitful way. Why waste it on something as impersonal as pornography?
Step 7: Use your imagination. Have you ever noticed how the initial excitement of watching porn soon changes to exhaustion once it’s finished? This is because the appeal is replaced with dissatisfaction. Instead of watching an aloof sexual encounter, why not focus on your own love life, and make the most of your romantic rendezvous.
Step 8: Set small goals. Trying to quit at a single shot sounds perfect! But often this isn’t attainable. Don’t set a goal you are sure to fail. Remember, relapse may occur. But that isn’t the end of the world. Why not take it one step at a time? Every morning, wake up with the promise that you will refrain from porn for the day.
Step 9: Assess success. Unless you are aware that you are on your way to achieve your resolve, you won’t feel happy. Take a pen and mark each day that you haven’t watched porn on the calendar. Place it where you can see it often. This will boost your morale and keep you on the track of giving up your addiction.
Step 10: Talk to someone. If you are unable to give it up on your own, however hard you try, it’s best to get professional help. Talk to your doctor or a psychologist about your addiction. You can also open up to a religious teacher. Often times, they have dealt with such problems, and can help and support you to give it up.
Don’t panic; it’s an addiction you can get rid of. Just pay attention to what you need to do.